Archive for March, 2011

Hate and Violence From the Left; It’s Not Right

Posted on March 10, 2011. Filed under: Liberal Idiots, Liberal Violence/Hate against Conservatives |

Excellent article!!! Very well said!

 Hate and Violence From the Left; It’s Not Right

David Limbaugh

How much longer can the Democratic Party, the mainstream media and other leftists successfully maintain the ruse that intolerance, hatred and the propensity for violence mainly come from the right in this country? The lie is getting old.

The left’s ideas continue to fail in the real world, and the majority of the people reject them, which is why their proponents so often disguise their true intentions. Partially because they can’t prevail on a level playing field, they use whatever means they can to advance their agenda. One of those means is to pre-emptively strike their political opponents by falsely condemning them for behavior that they — leftists — actually engage in. It’s called “projection.”

Thus, intolerant, dogmatic leftists paint the right as reality-challenged and science-averse, when leftists are the ones who refuse to allow any contradictory evidence to penetrate their blinders about alleged catastrophic man-made global warming. They insist on continuing to deficit spend our nation into bankruptcy on the rationale that such reckless spending is the only recipe for stimulating an economy, despite dispositive historical and recent evidence proving otherwise.

Instead of joining Republicans in good faith to radically curb this spending, they accuse Republicans of “Draconian” cuts. Fully aware that runaway entitlement spending is guaranteed to bankrupt us eventually — even if we do get a handle on discretionary expenditures — they refuse seriously to address entitlement reform. They choose to exploit the issue as a political weapon to scare seniors and other entitlement beneficiaries.

But one of the worst examples of leftists’ projection is their depiction of conservatives as hateful, violent Neanderthals whose mere participation in the marketplace of ideas and the democratic process is inherently dangerous.

If I’m overstating the case, it’s not by much. Consider that Bill Clinton, with no basis in reality, slandered and scapegoated conservative talk radio for the Oklahoma City bombing; that Obama’s Department of Homeland Security issued a report suggesting that tea party protesters are potential domestic terrorists; that the left uniformly rushed to judgment in indicting conservatives, including Sarah Palin, for the Arizona shootings and persisted with the charge even after it was abundantly clear that it was factually erroneous; and that the left continues to equate conservative talk with hate speech that will lead to violence and advocates selectively suppressing conservative speech through such insidious means as the Fairness Doctrine.

President Obama himself characterized small-town Midwesterners (read: conservatives) as bitter clingers who hold on to their guns, religion and antipathy for people who aren’t like them. There was no mistaking his implication that mostly white Christians from small Midwestern towns who embrace the Second Amendment are angry, bitter, violent, backward and racist. It is surprising that he was careless enough, even in an unscripted moment, to reveal those dark thoughts, but it was hardly surprising that he in fact has those thoughts. For leftists habitually portray conservatives as angry, mean-spirited, close-minded and violent.

Most Americans realize just how wickedly inaccurate these smears are. Tea party protesters, to be sure, are righteously indignant about the government’s abuse of powers, its defiance of the rule of law, its trampling on the Constitution and, most of all, its reckless spending. But they are invariably peaceful, reasonable and restrained in their decorum. Unlike many leftist protesters, they even clean up after themselves. They are not racists and do not engage in violent behavior. The only racism or violence that surfaces at tea party rallies is that fabricated or fomented by opportunistic leftists.

Those same leftists, meanwhile, often do engage in the very type of behavior they condemn. We are seeing that in spades in the Wisconsin union protests. Talk about hate — and violence!

Where are the leftist media to call out the thugs who assaulted Fox News national reporter Mike Tobin in Madison on Saturday night? Where are their reports about the alleged involvement of international socialists in similar protests, such as the rallies to “save the American dream”? Why didn’t they report on the calls by union thugs for blood in the streets? And where are their fair and balanced reports that even after Gov. Scott Walker’s proposed cuts, the Wisconsin state workers would do much better than private-sector and even federal workers?

The political left has increasingly shown its ugly face since Democrats won both political branches of the federal government in 2008, and they show no signs of pulling back, despite growing popular resistance from the American people. Their arrogance, extremism and brutality should be their undoing.;_its_not_right/page/full/

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Obama’s Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Posted on March 10, 2011. Filed under: Obama |

So true!!

Obama’s Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Ben Shapiro

During the 2008 campaign, Hillary Clinton suggested that if the emergency phone rang at 3 a.m. in the White House, you wouldn’t want President Obama picking it up.

She was wrong. Obama wouldn’t pick it up in the first place. He’d let it go to answering machine. He’d be too busy chasing the nearest camera.

Obama is the “Girls Gone Wild” president: Stick a lens in front of him and he’ll take off his shirt, mince about like a coed, and babble nonsensical nothings to an audience oddly fascinated by his antics.

How else to explain Obama’s desperate injection of himself into the Oscars this past Sunday? Even as the Middle East goes up in flames, even as oil prices spike dramatically, even as the national debt skyrockets toward $19.6 trillion by 2015, Obama took time out to tackle a pressing question: What is his favorite movie song? Answer: “As Time Goes By,” from “Casablanca.” Feeling better about the world situation yet?

Obama had a busy week — at least in terms of pop culture. Thursday evening, Obama held yet another party at the White House, this time in honor of Motown music. Celebrity attendees included Stevie Wonder, Jamie Foxx, Smoky Robinson, John Legend, Seal, Sheryl Crow, Nick Jonas and Jordin Sparks. Jamie Foxx summed up the Obamas’ view of what it means to inhabit the “people’s house” in his rendition of Robinson’s “Get Ready”: “We won the election. White House, baby, so much fun!” Meanwhile, Muammar Qadafi shot people at will in the streets of Tripoli, and Americans struggled to pay their rent.

President Obama has become the Salahis of entertainment, cropping up in random places when he’s least wanted. We can’t escape him. He delayed the fifth game of the 2008 World Series, so he could broadcast a 30-minute infomercial for his campaign. He threw out the first pitch at the Major League Baseball All-Star Game in 2009. He did a 10-minute interview with Katie Couric during the 2010 Super Bowl broadcast. In both 2009 and 2010, he did interviews with ESPN to tell the world about his NCAA tournament brackets. In 2010, Obama showed up on “American Idol.” As commander-in-chief, he’s hit “The View,” “The Tonight Show,” “The Late Show” and “Jersey Shore.” OK, he hasn’t hit “Jersey Shore” … yet.

In fact, Obama is worse than the Salahis — at least the Salahis don’t use tax dollars to subsidize their antics. Obama doesn’t just crash other parties — he spends hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars to throw parties of his own. Not that Obama cares; as he put it, “This is a pretty big house so we get lonely. It’s hard for me to move around out there sometimes, so I got to bring the world to me.”

Poor baby.

Obama’s desperate need for attention is clearly a psychological condition. He drinks in applause like a washed-up movie star. It is usual for neglected children to develop narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), typically characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, a strong sense of entitlement, preoccupations with utopian fantasies, elitism, manipulative tendencies and pathological need for praise.

President Obama was abandoned by his parents during childhood. Now he exhibits the textbook symptoms of NPD. He thinks his powers are godlike in import; “I have a gift, Harry,” Obama once told Sen. Harry Reid. He believes he is entitled to positions of power and prestige. He has never worked a real job in his life, yet deigns to tell the rest of us that he embodies our hopes and dreams. He is obsessed with nonsensical utopian fantasies of one-world peace and harmony in which nuclear weapons are beaten into plowshares.

Obama is an elitist through and through, disdaining ordinary Americans as “bitter [people who] cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them.” He is manipulative in the extreme, seeing every crisis as an opportunity to magnify his personal power.

Most dangerous, he requires a constant stream of paeans to his persona. Radical Muslims, socialists, anti-Semites — so long as they clap, they’re worthy of his warmth. Obama strongly resembles a once-abused puppy; he doesn’t care who pets him, so long as he receives the petting.

With one exception: Obama has no interest in the attention or praise of Americans who challenge his radical agenda. To make himself subject to their philosophy would force him to acknowledge a fundamental truth: His parents abandoned him because they were bad parents, not because America is a “downright mean” country. Obama has told himself for decades that America’s selfishness forced his parents to make him a social outcast. To acknowledge now that the system was largely good and his parents were largely bad would fracture his fragile ego.

So expect to see President Obama on the next telecast of the next big event. He can’t stay away from the cameras, and he certainly won’t leave behind the enthusiastic hurrahs of his supporters. Mr. De Mille, he’s ready for his close-up.

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Northwestern Univ Professor Defends Explicit Sex Toy Demonstration

Posted on March 10, 2011. Filed under: Culture, Education Idiocy |

This is ‘higher learning”? Our universities can have an explicit sex toy demonstration, but they dare not mention God in the classroom. Mind-boggling.

Northwestern University Professor Defends Explicit Sex Toy Demonstration After Class

Fox News on March 3, 2011 By Joshua Rhett Miller


A Northwestern University professor is defending an explicit after-class demonstration involving a woman and a motorized sex toy, saying, “thoughtful discussion of controversial topics” is a cornerstone of education.

Professor John Michael Bailey, who has taught psychology at the Illinois university since 1989, said the Feb. 21 after-class presentation on “networking for kinky people” to his 600-student human sexuality class was entirely optional. Students were also warned prior to the demonstration that the material — which would not be covered on examinations — wasn’t for the faint of heart.

“The demonstration, which included a woman who enjoyed providing a sexually explicit demonstration using a machine, surely counts as kinky, and hence, as relevant,” Bailey said in a statement issued to late Wednesday. “Furthermore, earlier that day in my lecture I had talked about the attempts to silence sex research, and how this largely reflected sex negativity … I did not wish, and I do not wish, to surrender to sex negativity and fear.”

Bailey allowed a guest lecturer, Ken Melvoin-Berg, to narrate the use of the sex toy — referred to as a “f—saw” on a woman who was not a Northwestern student. Melvoin-Berg, who operates a local sex tour, told that the woman’s boyfriend assisted in the demonstration, which he described as “appropriate” and educational.

“We weren’t doing it to shock them,” he told

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Farrakhan: Jews are Pushing the US into War

Posted on March 2, 2011. Filed under: Israel |

Farrakhan is a racist and a bigot and should be called on it by the media and others in power!!!

Farrakhan: Jews Are Pushing The US Into War

The Jerusalem Post


03/02/2011 10:10

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan said Jews and Zionists are “trying to push the US into war” and are a cover for Satan, at the group’s annual meeting near Chicago on Tuesday.

“President Obama,” Farrakhan said, “if you allow the Zionists to push you, to mount a military offensive against Gaddafi and you go in and kill him and his sons as you did with Saddam Hussein and his sons, I’m warning you this is a Libyan problem, let the Libyans solve their problem among themselves.” Farrakhan called Muammar Gaddafi “my brother” and “my friend.”

He also accused American Zionists of attempting to push Israel into war with Iran, adding that “Zionists dominate the government of the United States of America and her banking system.”

One panel at the conference, titled “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews,” claimed that Jews were disproportionately involved in the slave trade and accused them of controlling the media.

“Some of you think that I’m just somebody who’s got something out for the Jewish people,” Farrakhan said. “You’re stupid. Do you think I would waste my time if I did not think it was important for you to know Satan? My job is to pull the cover off of Satan so that he will never deceive you and the people of the world again.”

In response, ADL National Director Abe Foxman said: “Anti-Semitism has suffused the Nation of Islam’s message, and Farrakhan is the standard bearer and bigot in chief….Perhaps what’s more disturbing is that despite his anti-Semitic rants, he has not been made a pariah in his own community. What does it take for him to stop being a pied piper of hatred?”

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