5 Reasons Illegal Immigrants Shouldn’t be Given American Citizenship

Posted on February 25, 2010. Filed under: Illegal Immigration |

Once again John Hawkins speaks the truth. I totally agree!!

5 Reasons Illegal Immigrants Shouldn’t Be Given American Citizenship

by John Hawkins

Over the last few months most conservatives have quite naturally been distracted by Barack Obama’s frightening incompetence, his elephantine spending, and his zealous attempts to swallow as much of the private sector as the government beast can stuff down its gaping maw. But while the cat’s away, the mice will play. The little feet you may have been hearing pitter-patter back into the public square? They belong to advocates of amnesty for illegal aliens. Oh, they don’t necessarily call it that. They call it comprehensive immigration reform, earned legalization, a path to citizenship — but, it all amounts to the same thing: rewarding people for breaking our laws.

On behalf of the overwhelming majority of the conservative movement and the American people, let me say, “Not just ‘no,’ but ‘Hell, no’” to giving illegal immigrants American citizenship.

Now, I know what the response to this will be: “You must hate Hispanics!” Actually, it doesn’t matter where the illegals are from; they’re not welcome here. But, but, but…it’ll help the GOP with Hispanics to support amnesty! Tell that to John McCain, who bombed with Hispanics despite being the Republican most associated with amnesty. Well, then you must not want any immigrants in this country! What a despicable argument. Comparing an illegal alien to someone who loves and respects this country enough to come here the right way is like comparing a burglar to an adopted son.

Let me tell you exactly why illegal immigrants shouldn’t be given American citizenship.

1) It will only encourage more illegal immigrants to come here. We’ve already had a “one time only” amnesty deal for illegals. It occurred during the Reagan Administration and the idea was supposed to be that we’d allow the illegals who were here to become citizens and we’d simultaneously beef up security to try to keep the problem from occurring again. Well, guess what? That very bipartisan sounding compromise didn’t work. To the contrary, it failed miserably. So why in the world would anyone who actually wants to stop illegal immigration want to try something that has already been proven to be counterproductive? We have far more illegals in America today than we did when the “one time” amnesty went through. Do we want 20 million illegals here when the next amnesty goes through? 30 million? Are we going to be accused of racism if we say the next huge wave of illegals shouldn’t be given citizenship either? Where does it end?

2) Illegal aliens take jobs from American citizens. The economy stinks. American citizens are out of work. People are going out every day looking for jobs to support their family and they’re coming home empty handed. Meanwhile, there are illegal aliens in this country holding jobs that American citizens would otherwise have. “Oh, but those are jobs Americans won’t do!” There’s no such thing. There’s no job in this country that couldn’t be filled if every illegal disappeared tomorrow — but, here’s the catch: the crooked business owners who are knowingly hiring the illegals might have to pay what the job is worth instead of hiring people who let everyone else pay their health care, pay their car insurance, and pay their share of the taxes.

3) We’re importing poverty. It’s no secret that the majority of illegals are uneducated manual laborers. In fact, that’s supposed to be one of their selling points, isn’t it? Don’t advocates of amnesty say we need illegals to do the dirty, hard, manual labor that “Americans won’t do?” But even if that were true, which it’s not, people with very limited skills often turn into liabilities for a society as they age. There aren’t a lot of people picking oranges and scrubbing floors at fifty years old. In other words, in order to help crooked business owners get cheap labor today, the rest of society has to be burdened with people who are going to cost society far more than they ever pay in taxes. Are American taxpayers so unburdened that we want to actually bring in even more people to carry on their backs?

4) It rewards bad behavior. It’s against the law to enter this country illegally. It’s against the law to buy fake documents or steal someone’s social security number. It’s against the law not to pay your taxes. So after all of that, we’re going to give people citizenship? What message does that send to all the immigrants filling out reams of paperwork, paying out significant chunks of their paychecks, and waiting for years in their home countries to finally achieve their dream of becoming an American citizen? Here’s the message it sends: You’re a chump! This is something you don’t normally have to say to people north of five years old, but it’s not smart to reward bad behavior and punish good behavior.

5) It cheapens and demeans our country. Is this Cuba? Is this Afghanistan? Is this Rwanda? Are we such a garbage dump of a nation that we have to desperately give citizenship to anybody and everybody we can find? Newsflash: This is the greatest nation God has seen fit to raise up in the history of mankind. We can not only have the cream of the crop from other nations; we can ask them to wait in line, obey our laws, and prove themselves — and the ones worth having will do it because this is the place people all over the world dream of coming one day. American citizenship is a precious thing and it shouldn’t be given to people whose first act upon American soil was to violate our laws.

LINK: http://townhall.com/columnists/JohnHawkins/2010/02/23/5_reasons_illegal_immigrants_shouldnt_be_given_american_citizenship

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2 Responses to “5 Reasons Illegal Immigrants Shouldn’t be Given American Citizenship”

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With the onset of President Obama’s push for Amnesty, the opponents are mobilizing to stop this absolutely ridiculous move to legitimize the 20 to 30 million illegal aliens,when 15 million and upwards of citizens and residents are jobless. Anytime that reform rears its ugly head, pro-sovereignty, anti-illegal immigrants organization will get into the fight, even when the economy is sound? But to try and force through this Immigration reform, when millions of American are losing their homes, applying for begrudged unemployment benefit and lining up at food banks. Its just illogical that the Democrats would gather together with a few Republicans to slip through another law to reward illegal immigrants? How can they even dream this up under the circumstances? Most any element of enforcement has always remained underfunded and eyed by politicians who represents corporate welfare to compromise laws.

HOW CAN THEY SAY THAT THE 1986 LAW IS BROKEN, WHEN IT NEVER WAS ENFORCED? Some of the most talented, skillful politicians-ex attorneys authored that bill, including Liberal personage Ted Kennedy? No! Its just a good excuse to arrange another AMNESTY, because previous administrations failed to secure the border or even try? YOU MIGHT ASK THESE RADICAL POLITICIANS–WHY CHANGE THE 1986 IMMIGRATION BILL, WHEN YOU CAN AMEND IT?

Next weekend, 100,000 pro-amnesty supporters are expected to flood Washington to show their support for a blanket amnesty. This is why the Sanctuary State of California needs a governor such as Steve Poizner? He has promised to fight illegal immigration and cut-off benefits to the millions settled in the state as does the majority of the “Tea Party” movement. Its time with thought of our own poor, desperate people, instead of taxes being extorted in support of foreign nationals?


Get ready for one of the biggest battles of any reform packages that the parties throw at us? Those Patriotic Americans and legal immigrants who believe in Americas sovereignty and desire the borders be firmly secure, heavy funding for immigration enforcement and NO BLANKET AMNESTY. No MORE GOVERNMENT ENTITLEMENTS FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS AND FAMILIES. Become a member of NUMBERSUSA.dot.com MANDATE E-VERIFY. Over a million members and growing. Are you ready to fight against OVERPOPULATION and CHAIN MIGRATION? JUST DO NOT LET UP AT CAUSING YOUR POLITICIANS PALPITATIONS AT 202-224-3121. Don’t forget to give your state lawmakers an ultimatum; NO RE-ELECTION VOTE.

First of all,you are proving your stunning lack of incompetence by calling the President of the United States incompetent. I would honestly like to see most people who criticize the president to step into office for a moment, and see if everything gets better. He is a normal human being, and just because he is the head of the executive branch, does not mean that he is capable of doing everything. So please, take that into consideration. Obama, is not my favorite president, but I dont criticize him every chance I get. I respect the fact that he is trying, because he is. Second of all, I do not like it when people paint false pictures of illegal immigrants. If you really look at our image of illegal immigrants, it is a stereotype. They arent all crimnals, coming to steal our jobs and commit crimes. Did you ever stop to think how lucky we are to live in a country where the government is collapsing, or where there is an ongoing drug war. So do them a favor, and stop being selfish,these countries are impoverished and full of violence. So, once again, I ask you: put yourself in their shoes, and see what position you would want the U.S. to take. Also, even though some illegal immigrants could be criminals, are we just going to close our gates to all of the immigrants? Don’t you think there should be some sort of process to allow in the immigrants searching for a better life and opportunity? Also, it isn’t as if this country has never heard of crime, anyone who has ever watched the evening news knows that. We are not “letting in poverty” as you so rudely put it, in fact they contribute to the economy. And,in fact,the Bush administration did some research and the thought that immigrants are taking our jobs is
“the most persistent fallacy about immigration in popular thought” because of the assumption that there are only a fixed number of jobs in the economy. Immigrants actually contribute to the economy, contrary to popular belief, immigrant entrepeneurs founded 25.3% of the country’s engineering and technological companies. And as to your arrogant comment about this country being the “greatest nation God has seen fit to raise up in the history of mankind.”, dont you think that God, who many of the country’s beliefs were based upon, would let open the gates of the country to those who were less fortunate. I would think that you would agree, but after reading your beliefs about illegal immigrants turning this nation into a “garbage dump”, I’m not so sure.

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