Thanks, Jeremiah!! Another Hero Answers the Call

Posted on August 10, 2008. Filed under: Heroes, Military |

Thanks, Jeremiah!! Another Hero Answers the CallMy daughter’s boyfriend, Jeremiah, left 5 days ago to join the Navy. He will be in their nuclear engineering program and will end up on a carrier.

I tell you this because I am very proud of him and appreciate all the young men and women who join our military. We need to let them know how grateful we are for their sacrifice.

It is because of THEM that we are free.

It is because of THEM that we can go about our daily lives as if there is no war.

THEY are standing between us and the bad guys and making sure this war does not come to our shores!

THANK YOU JEREMIAH for being one of our heroes. We are proud and we will be praying for you!!

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